Pick out your Old Windows at the Milanese Remodeling Showroom
What happens to the old windows we replace in historic homes in Chester County, PA? We offer these antique windows to people with artistic talent! They make wonderful works of art out of them… Antique windows, wooden shutter, porch columns and doors can become picture frames, greenhouses, tables and so much more!
Stop by our showroom to take your pick of the latest antique windows, shutters and doors for your next project!
Milanese Remodeling – 50 Broad Street, Coatesville, PA 19320
CLICK HERE – See how to make old windows works of art!
- Garden Table
- Picture Frame
- Coat rack
- Garden Trellis
- Mirror Frame
- Hot house
- Another Pictrure Frame
- Old Windows Big & Small
- A flower Box?
- Antique Windows for your next art Project!
- 50 Broad Street Coatesville PA
- Pick out your Old Windows